Moving for companies and public and private bodies

Relocating a public body, a major corporation, or an embassy does not mean merely transporting furniture and equipment. It means, above all, guaranteeing the continuity of the services and reducing as much as possible any inconvenience for employees and the public.

Relocations of offices and companies require specific preparation and a logistics structure that allows all the problems of so complex an operation to be managed.

Whatever the size of the office or company, Salaris Global Mobility offers a quick, efficient, safe and reliable service carried out by highly qualified personnel with all the necessary skills and equipment.

Salaris will handle moving equipment and putting it back in place. It will also see to restoring electronic apparatus to service, from the computer network to the server rack. Special attention is devoted to transporting safes and armoured cabinets. The service is guaranteed both domestically and internationally. For an assess of the specific moving needs of your organization, body, or company, contact us.

Ho avuto modo di provare il servizio trasloco di Salaris: risultato Ottimo. Michela e lo staff hanno organizzato il trasloco in tempi rapidi, super affidabili! Consiglio a tutti Salarsi Traslochi, anche per servizi di trasloco internazionale!
Claudio Pompei
Salaris è sinonimo di professionalità, cortesia e disponibilità. La gentilezza del personale è sorprendente, velocissimi e professionali, si son presentati con guanti, mascherina e sorrisi dietro le mascherine, dopo aver svuotato il locale volevano addirittura pulirlo!
Anna Sammarone
Ragazzi seri, una buona azienda al quale affidare il servizio.
Alberto Bozzano

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